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What Can You Change In 2020?Hongmioo Help You



What Can You Change In 2020?Hongmioo Help You

What Can You Change In 2020?Hongmioo Help You

Though its strange that it takes a new calendar year for people across the world to make positive changes in their lives, the truth of the matter is that many folks really do see New Years as a time to reinvent themselves. Whether youve been struggling to walk up that flight of stairs, only read one book in 2019, or still wear the same four t-shirts that youve had since college, theres always something that we can change about how we live our lives, and were sure that youre no exception (unless yore perfect, of course).

Improving Your Life With Positive Choices This Year

Though we cant tell you how to live your life, we here at Hongmioo are confident that youll be happier, feel better, and likely live a more fulfilling and endearing life when you make some positive adjustments here and there. Here are some great ways to improve your quality of life in 2020.

Cut Down On Screen Time

No, we dont think that all forms of technology are inherently evil, but staring at the blue light on your smartphone certainly isnt prompting your body to fall asleep at night. Theres no need to be on your phone every waking moment of the day, and unfortunately, that seems to be how many people treat their devices.

Just cut back on your screen time a little bit; your mind will thank you.

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Make Healthier Food Choices

We know, we know; this is generic New Years Resolution advice. However, convenient ways to eat healthy such as mail order meal kits werent as popular several years ago. A decade ago, they were hardly a blip on the food radar.

Nowadays, eating like a respectable human is easier than ever before. Of course, the hustle and bustle of daily life doesnt necessarily make that easy in and of itself, but just skip the fast food here and there in favor of a healthy snack or homemade chicken and veggies.

Drink More Water

The simple fact of the matter is that most people dont drink enough water. Sure, theyre drinking plenty of fluids, but beverages like coffee, energy drinks, soda, and alcohol arent helping your body hydrate itself. On the contrary, theyre actually dehydrating you whether you realize it or not.

Fortunately, this positive change is about as simple as it gets: just drink more water! Invest in a refillable water bottle (there are literally thousands of options out there) and take it with you when you run errands, go to work, hang out around your place, or drive anywhere. That way, you have no excuses, and youll already be drinking something so you wont have to buy an unhealthy beverage.

Oh, and did we mention that water is (normally and generally) free? It doesnt get much better than that.

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Keep Booze To A Minimum

Alcohol is enjoyable, and it definitely has its time and place. But you dont want to drink too much of it too often, simply because its just not good for you. There is science to suggest that consuming alcohol can negatively affect your bodys metabolic processes for up to about three days, meaning that your body cant break down food as efficiently.

Take the weekdays off and moderate your consumption to the weekends. That way, your body has time to properly flush out all of these toxins. Then you can put our previous piece of advice to use!

Move Around More

You dont necessarily have to hit the gym or subject yourself to jogging just to stay in decent shape. People that live active lifestyles are naturally more fit and slim simply because theyre active and always doing something.

Even if it means using a standing desk at your office job or going on long walks with an audiobook as opposed to reading it at home on the couch, doing whatever it takes to be active is always worth it.

Upgrade To The Most Comfortable Belt

At Hongmioo, were proud to carry the most comfortable and durable belt that youll ever wear. If youre still using a prodding and poking belt from 1995, its time to make the change this New Year. Shop our main collection of mens belts online for a belt experience that your pants - and your waist - will thank you for!

Just contact us for your good belt customized.